Veteran Hospital Visits

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2016 American Legion Christmas gift shop

This is a Department of Georgia American Legion Christmas gift shop for the patients at the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center located in Augusta, GA.  The target group of veterans are living or currently admitted to the hospital grounds.  This gift shop is filled with donations that the patient can select a gift for his immediate family members, and receive personnel daily needed items not furnished by the Veteran’s Association.  Anyone wishing to donate can contact any local Legion Post or Auxiliary Unit.  Volunteers are always welcome.

Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center provides health care services to veterans in eastern Georgia and western South Carolina. … Augusta, GA 30904

Augusta is a two-division medical center providing tertiary care in medicine, surgery, neurology, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine, and spinal cord injury.  The Downtown Division is authorized 166 beds (58 medicine, 37 surgery, and 71 spinal cord injury).  The Uptown Division, located approximately three miles away, is authorized 123 beds (68 psychiatry, 15 blind rehabilitation and 40 rehabilitation medicine).  In addition, a 132-bed Restorative/Nursing Home Care Unit and a 60-bed Domiciliary are located at the Uptown Division.